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5 Tongue Facts

Your tongue is so unique. Here are 5 facts you may not know about that amazing muscle hanging out in your mouth. 1) There are 4 known taste buds! 2) Your mouth houses over 600 types of bacteria! (Just one more reason to get a tongue scraper). 3) Tongue scrapers can help with male infertility! Ladies, as if better breath in your partner was not enough... add this to the list of things to do when trying to make little people. 4) Your tongue is like your finger prints. No two finger prints are the same and no two tongues are the same. 5) Your saliva has some things in it! Did you know - 1 millimeter (less then a...

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Tongue Scraping For Thrush

Oral thrush (or candidiasis) is a caused by an overgrowth of yeast in the mouth. The white patches can be scraped off to expose a red surface on the tongue. Illnesses, medications, stress, unbalanced diets (high sugar intake) and antibiotic treatment can cause oral thrush by throwing off the balance of natural bacteria in the mouth. In many cases, thrush goes away on its own without treatment. However, a persistent yeast infection may require anti-fungal medications. These can be taken orally or applied as ointments directly to your mouth. Anti-fungal rinses are another option for treating thrush. Some home remedies you can try: 1) Gargling with salt water 3 times a day. 2) Gunkii tongue scrape 3 times a day....

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Tongue Scrape To Treat Halitosis

Your mouth is a breeding ground for nasty bacteria. That's why it's important to remove that dumpster juice that is sitting on top of your tongue giving you dragon breath. Technically, it's actually volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) in your mouth giving off that less than desired aroma. Scientifically, it is known as halitosis (chronic bad breath). The fix for the sitch. is this: Stick a Gunkii tongue scraper in there! Tongue scrapers are effective in minimizing the odor because they gently scrape the VSC away. How Can Tongue Scrapers Help Eliminate Bad Breath? As mentioned above, a tongue scraper removes the sulfur that rises to the surface of the tongue and sits on it. When you open your mouth, that...

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Is Tongue Scraping Healthy

Is tongue scraping healthy? Is it good for you? The short answer is YES. For the longer answer as to the "why" it is good for you, keep reading. Taking good care of your oral hygiene is essential to your overall well-being. Good oral health care includes: Flossing Tongue scraping Brushing your teeth Using antiseptic mouth wash Scraping your tongue removes harmful bacteria. This bacteria can otherwise inflame your gums and potentially cause cavities. If you ignore proper oral hygiene care for prolonged periods of time, it can lead to more serious issues such as heart disease, cancer and more. Tongue scraping does a lot for your overall health and well being. Did you know that scraping your tongue... removes...

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Can Tongue Scraping Cause Dry Mouth?

We get asked a lot of questions about tongue scraping... some questions are entertaining, some are curious and others are serious. One question that keeps being asked of us is this, "Can tongue scraping cause dry mouth?" The answer is no. Tongue scraping does not cause dry mouth. For those that might not know what dry mouth is, it is a condition in which salivary glands in your mouth don't make enough saliva to keep your mouth moist or wet enough to be comfortable. Dry mouth typically occurs from: medications aging issues as a result of radiation therapy for cancer conditions directly affecting the salivary glands If you're not producing enough saliva, you may notice these symptoms: bad breath dry...

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